I did not realize that Medium had such strong web authority! But I am not surprised since I found the site because it kept coming up in other unrelated searches! I also did not realize that there were so many benefits to publications. I like the idea of reaching out to my publication writers directly with “letters” and not having to worry about setting up/paying for a complex email delivery system as many have advocated. I am sure these work but I do not have the computer skills. All I know is I love to write and can’t wait to see the next “medium” secret revealed ! I feel like I’m on a game show! So much valuable information here and on medium from you. I am so glad I found this as I almost took the $500+ course you described in another post. After looking into it some more on medium where there were a few reviews, it looked like the Tom guy and his class are a bunch of baloney! Certainly nothing worth that much!

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An excellent article. Many thanks for such useful advice. I'm a newbie at Medium and I was looking for a well-written introduction to it. I'll subscribe when I get out of hospital. Take care, Cal.

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