March Medium Partner Program Earnings Newsletter
Blogging Guide Monthly Medium Newsletter Volume 9 - Published April 9, 2020

Hello everyone!
This is the ninth monthly newsletter from our Medium publication, Blogging Guide. This newsletter is intended to help Medium writers by providing up-to-date Medium writer earning data, useful Medium guides with the latest tips and tricks, and a selection of articles (both from myself and other Medium Writers).
Also, be sure to check out our Facebook group, Medium Writing!

This group was created so that Medium writers could share their articles and discuss making money as a writer on Medium. This group is run by Medium Blogging Guide, Casey Botticello, and Linda Williams.
Now onto the interesting stuff!
Medium Partner Program Monthly Earnings Data

I have been keeping track of Medium Partner Program monthly earnings data, through a post that is updated monthly as a resource to writers.
This article is updated monthly and can be found here:
Here are some other stats Medium included on their Partner Program as of March 2020:
$5,099.90 — the highest amount earned for a single story
$17,126.40 — the highest amount earned by a single author
6.9% — the percentage of active writers who earned over $100

*There is a cool interactive chart which doesn't render on Substack, but does on Medium. Click here to see it (it's the blue chart with tabs). *
Medium Blogging Guide Author Earnings Survey
Every month we conduct a survey of Medium author earnings, to see how writers following our publication are doing. Below are the results from the March earnings survey. We had 159 responses! Thank you to everyone who participated!

Overall, the earnings chart above suggests that readers of Blogging Guide are more successful than the general writing population.
In the general Medium writer population, typically 7%-9% of all active writers earn more than $100 in any given month. Among the Blogging Guide respondents, 44.7% earned over $100 per month!
It will be interesting to see if and how this trend shifts in the coming months since the new payment system based on reading time.
The Ultimate Guide to Writing on Medium

This interactive guide contains answers to virtually any Medium related question you might have!
Medium Interview Series (NEW!)
Medium Interviews is brand new series from Blogging Guide, featuring interviews with some of Medium’s top writers.
My hope is that these interviews will serve as a useful resource for writers who are still trying to understand Medium and how to find success on the platform.
Check out some of our interviews with Medium’s top writers!
Medium All-Stars Interview — Fab Giovanetti
Medium All-Stars Interview — Lincoln W Daniel
Medium All-Stars Interview — Michael Leonard
Medium All-Stars Interview — Jim Woods
Medium All-Stars Interview — Sinem Günel
Medium All-Stars Interview — Jason Weiland
Medium All-Stars Interview — Brian Rowe
Medium All-Stars Interview — Zita Fontaine
Medium All-Stars Interview — Sean Kernan
Medium Article Formatting

One of the new sections of Blogging Guide is our section on Medium formatting. Medium Formatting is a series of short, actionable tips and tricks covering specific features and tools that many writers are unaware of on Medium.
To see all the Medium Formatting tips, click here.
Medium Curation Checklist

This article contains the 5 key article requirements for Medium article curation. While these are not all hard and fast rules, following these guidelines will optimize your chances of being curated.
List of Medium Article Tags Eligible for Top Writer Status

This list if a follow up to a post where I discussed how to become a Top Writer on Medium. Specifically, I focused on the importance of tagging your articles strategically.
This list contains 73 tags. These tags are very useful as a resource because they are the only Medium tags which are eligible for top writer status. The list can be found below. This list will be updated monthly as part of Blogging Guide’s series of regularly updated Medium data and lists.
This article is updated monthly and can be found here.
Medium Writing Tips

This article is a collection of Medium writing tips. Click here to read more.
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Until next time!
For a limited time, I am offering a 50% discount on annual subscriptions! Paying subscribers get access to premium posts and access to custom digital tools that I have created.
Thank you for your support! It truly means the world to me. Please let me know if you have any questions by responding in the comments section below.
Note: There is a cool interactive chart which doesn't render on Substack, but does on Medium. Click here to see it (it's the blue chart with tabs).