Hey everyone!
Welcome to the second monthly Platform Updates and News.
This segment will cover news or updates relating to major digital publishing platforms, including Medium and Substack.
I will also include any Blogging Guide-specific updates and a concise list of some of the top articles from Blogging Guide, posted this past month.
Platform Updates and News
Medium staff released 5 new articles in May.
Medium Platform Changes
Medium announced that publications will be enabled to send newsletters in the next week
Medium removed full screen pop ups that were prevously shown on free articles
Platform Updates and News
Substack staff released 6 new articles, and 1 new video in April.
Scott Hines of Action Cookbook will share how he successfully grew his email list on Substack in less than a year.
Substack News
Substack has announced it is bringing back its podcast for season 2.
Substack is holding a series of writer workshops.
Blogging Guide News
Blogging Guide has launched a YouTube channel! Be sure to subscribe.
I was recently interviewed on the Traction Growth and Income Podcast, where I talked about Blogging Guide, Medium, Substack, Amazon KDP, and passive income.
Although not directly Blogging Guide, I officially launched Canva Design, which provides new editable Canva templates every week!
April Articles on Blogging Guide
In case you missed it, here are some fantastic articles covering Medium, Substack, and digital publishing in general, this month, on Blogging Guide:
May Industry-Wide Articles
These articles were not written by me, but are some resources that I found useful:
What the Pandemic Means for Publishers — Adweek
Here’s our first look at new Apple News+ Audio hidden feature in iOS 13.5.5 beta — 9to5Mac
The Very First Pandemic Blogger — Intelligencer
Is there any good time to publish a book during a pandemic? —Forward
Will the pandemic permanently alter scientific publishing? — Nature
Big Publishers Sue Digital ‘Emergency Library’ Offering Free Books During Coronavirus — Insurance Journal
Overcoming Uncertainty: What The 'New Normal' For Publishing Might Look Like — Forbes
Until next time!
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